We exist as a student ministry to partner with families in the proper discipleship of their students who will, in turn, make disciples wherever God may lead them.



We love to have new guests come hang out with Glade Students!  On Sundays and Wednesdays, our high school gatherings are hosted in the Student Life Center across the rear parking lot from the main church building.  We'll make introductions and connections to other students and to leaders in High School ministry.  Come join in the fun and get ready to study the Word of God!

HS Ministry Guest Card

Complete the guest card and we’ll introduce your student(s) to others in their grade. If you would like to plan a visit with us on either a Sunday or a Wednesday, please email Jeremiah Scott and we would love to ensure that your student has the best experience possible.


Jeremiah Scott is the High School & College Pastor at The Glade Church.  Jeremiah started in August 2024 and had been painted blue while tailgating at WCHS and be may spotted in a Jack Sparrow costume! His family is amazing and his heart for the Lord is evident as you hear Jeremiah teach from God's Word.


Sunday mornings are one of our primary gathering times where we meet from 9:15 to 10:30 AM. Our meetings take place in The Student Life Center (SLC) where we begin with a group rally, run through all that updates and announcements that pertain to High School Ministry, and we share a common teaching for the day. After a moment together we break out into table groups and pour over rich biblical teaching led by a number of vetted leaders who lead discussion and pose interactive questions in a small group format. All of this is done in hopes of engaging your student in a healthy, safe, and thought-provoking environment.

We study The Gospel Project.  A Christ-centered, chronological Bible study that takes our students on a three year journey through the storyline of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation to see how Christ connects with all of Scripture. Along the way, students will discover the big picture of what God has been doing throughout redemptive history, and what it means for them.



From August to May our students gather on Wednesday nights from 6 PM to 7:15 PM for an evening of fellowship, worship, and biblical teaching. We hope to have your student join us for these rich evenings of worship.

The current series that our entire church is walking through is called "Vision Forward". In the month of January, we will walking through what it looks like to amplify the gospel, accelerate discipleship, activate leadership, and build for the future.


Disciple now is right around the corner! We will be coming together with local churches for the sole purpose of worshiping the Lord our God. This weekend will involve corporate worship, small group disscusions, host homes, and many fun surprises! Sign up TODAY!

D-Now Sign Up


These groups exist to glorify God through discipleship of our sons by modeling discipleship of our own.  Fathers and mentors will do life together, grow together, and disciple their sons.

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Student Ministry

Student Ministry

At 6:00 PM every Wednesday night during the school year, we host an on-campus worship service for Middle School students and High School... read more
Student Ministry

Student Ministry

At 6:00 PM every Wednesday night during the school year, we host an on-campus worship service for Middle School students and High School... read more


Welcome to The WKND! ... read more
Student Ministry

Student Ministry

At 6:00 PM every Wednesday night during the school year, we host an on-campus worship service for Middle School students and High School... read more
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