We exist as a student ministry to partner with families in the proper discipleship of their students who will, in turn, make disciples wherever God may lead them.


Sunday mornings are one of our primary gathering times where we meet from 9:15 to 10:30 AM. Our meetings take place in The Student Life Center (SLC) where we begin with a group rally, run through all that updates and announcements that pertain to High School Ministry, and we share a common teaching for the day. After a moment together we break out into table groups and pour over rich biblical teaching led by a number of vetted leaders who lead discussion and pose interactive questions in a small group format. All of this is done in hopes of engaging your student in a healthy, safe, and thought-provoking environment.


From August to May our students gather on Wednesday nights from 6 PM to 7:15 PM for an evening of fellowship, worship, and biblical teaching. We hope to have your student join us for these rich evenings of worship.


As listed above, on Sundays and Wednesdays, High School Ministry gathers in The Student Life Center located behind our main parking lot. Fill out our first-time guest card and we’ll introduce your student(s) to others in their grade.

If you would like to plan a visit with us on either a Sunday or a Wednesday, please email Jeremiah Scott and we would love to ensure that your student has the best experience possible.

Student Ministry at The Glade Church is here to aid families in the proper discipleship of their students, equipping them to share the Gospel wherever the Lord leads them. 


These groups exist to glorify God through discipleship of our sons by modeling discipleship of our own.  Fathers and mentors will do life together, grow together, and disciple their sons.


Trunk or Treat

The Glade Church
Sunday - October 27 - 3-5pm

Join us for an afternoon filled with costumes, candy and fun photo opportunities! Trunk or Treating will take place in the big back parking lot of The Glade Church.  When you arrive, we'll get you registered with a wristband and you'll be ready for a great time!


  • Car Parking/Decoration: 12:30-2pm

  • Early access available for families with special needs: 2:30pm

  • Trunk or Treat: 3-5pm

Apostolos Coffee - is open from 2-5pm!

See the menu

Families with Special Needs

You're invited to the head of the line at Trunk or Treat!  Get your costumes ready and come early for Trunk or Treat because families with special needs get to start the party with early access beginning at 2:30pm!  

We also have a respite tent prepared for your family with volunteers who can assist, give directions, or just hang out!

Volunteer Information

Volunteer Registration

Guidelines for Trunks

In case of bad weather

If rain is pouring, we'll have to cancel. Any weather decisions will be made by church staff and posted to this website as well as communicated with volunteers by 12pm October 27th.

For additional information, please contact: trunkortreat@thegladechurch.org

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