Scriptures teach us much about possessions and giving. In the Old Testament, we find stories of those bringing their first fruits as a sacrifice and offering to the Holy God. In the New Testament, we hear from Jesus that our giving is a reflection of our hearts. 

The Glade teaches that we are stewards of the money and possessions God provides. God is the owner of everything. Giving is our response to His goodness, grace and mercy. 

As you give, let it be one of your joyful acts of worship today.


  • Place your gift of cash or check in a tithing box on Sunday morning
  • The Church App 
  • Mail your check to 9000 Stewarts Ferry Pike, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122
  • Appreciated assets - Call the business office for more details about donating stocks, bonds, or mutual funds.
  • Through a planned giving vehicle. Ask your financial planner for assistance.


  • To give with an account, by debit/credit card, CLICK HERE.
  • Many of our members and regular attendees use this option as their accounts also provide access to contact information for their life group members, their giving records, and other useful information.
  • To give without an account, by debit/credit card, CLICK HERE.
  • Some people do not need regular access to information available with an account, so they prefer to use this method for online giving.

Please note: The electronic giving options here are simply for your convenience. The Glade does not encourage debt as a lifestyle. If you are giving your gifts electronically via online giving at our website or online banking through your bank, you may opt out of receiving your packet of monthly offering envelopes. If you choose to do so, please contact Trudy Carey at