The Gospel of John

The Gospel of John

A Call to Discipleship and Leadership (John 21)

Empty Tomb, Full Hearts (John 20)

The Burial of Hope (John 19:17-42)

The Trial of the King (John 18:28-19:16)

Jesus in Control Amidst the Chaos (John 18:1-27)

A Glimpse into Jesus Praying (John 17)

Embracing the Holy Spirit's Role (John 16:5-33)

The World's Opposition to Christ (John 15:18-16:4)

Genuine Friendship with Jesus (John 15:1-17)

The Promise of the Spirit (John 14:15-31)

A Cure for Troubled Hearts (John 14:1-14)

Betrayal and Glory (John 13:18-30)

Washing Feet, Changing Hearts (John 13:1-17)

Jesus' Path to the Cross (John 12:20-50)

Treasuring Christ or Self? (John 12:1-19)

The Power of Resurrection Hope (John 11)

The Feast of Dedication

The Good Shepherd

Seeing with Faith

Understanding the Eternal Nature of Jesus

Truth That Sets Us Free

Embracing the Forgiveness of Jesus

The Invitation to Spiritual Renewal

The Bread of Life Discourse

Trusting Jesus to Do the Impossible

Religion Without Conversion is Dangerous

Rise and Walk: A Call to Spiritual Healing

Jesus the Missionary

Thirsty Souls

Understanding Our Role in God's Plan

Seeking Light in Darkness

Signs of Glory

Preparing the Way for Christ

The Testimony of John the Baptist

From Eternity to Earth